
Which cables perform best in case of fire?

Cavi performanti

When we’re talking about safety of people and goods within property, it is always important to take in consideration the existing electrical system. According to the Istat, every year there are about 4 millions of accidents in domestic sphere, of which 241 millions originate from electrical issues. Rarely these cables are cause of fire, but when involved they could constitute a serious danger. In this case, the question arises: which cables perform best in case of fire?

A systematic prevention and a realization of a proper system, minimize all kinds of risks. In construction industry, to choose the right cable is fundamental. As a result, to do it, it matters to evaluate technical and environmental performances, economic aspects, and fire safety.

Cables and electrical wires are the main applications of flexible PVC. About 46% of these goods in the European market are made with this material. Its merits consist in the high cost-performance ratio, sustainability and  recyclability. The cables made with flexible PVC represent for decades a wiser choice in terms of fire safety, ’cause do not facilitate a fire and its propagation.

In Europe, the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), identifies a number of requirements to be respected, especially in case of fire. The norm EN 50575/A1:2016 sets up the electrical cables in classes of reaction-to-fire performance. These range from A to F, according to their performance to reaction to fire and to flame propagation. Moreover, other useful information regarding the cables perform best in case of fire are the production of smoke (identified with letter “S”), drops and/or firing particles (“d”) and acidity (“a”).

In conlusion, currently there is under development research to improve the quality of firefighting of PVC cables. An example are the nanotechnologies. This is helpful to develop and use efficient functional additives in polymers. This material is especially recommended because it is recyclable, an  essential environmental requirement.